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A member registered May 14, 2022

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you should upgrade those to moon shields, despite seeming like a minor change, they can also block ranged and magic attacks, leading to more goobert. i will say you might have struggled to find that many mana orbs. but if you didnt know.


sounds like a skill issue (Nerd Emoji)

if you see someone with a lot of one item, that comes from pure luck, if someone has a lot of items stage on, they got a few lucky sales (50% off). even though some of this game is luck it also has some skill involved, learn what items go well with each other, see what is easy to start or build into. If you are worried about winning the first few rounds, a good start as the hunter is two wooden swords with a whetstone increasing both swords' damage. :)

skill issue

try pressing idk, the menu button?

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you also have to consider that no matter how much they know about the crash, they still have to figure out how to fix it. if a few people are working on it, I assume not all of them are amazing at fixing code, it's a really hard task sometimes.

TL;DR : be cosiderate of game devs

maybe some vampirism items could give empower?

am I bad or is vampirism garbage? I got a discount scythe turn 3 or 4 and it didn't do much, I feel like I only won games where people had a bad backpack.

an endless mode feels like a must but at the same time, I feel like that's asking for too much. could we see a shop update? because it seems hard to believe that he only has the 8 worst cards in existence half the time. and loot boxes feel lackluster, spent 5000 chips on my best build and got nada special card, just suits and a valentines card

ik, just trying to not be rude

Clicking over any interactable that is not on the "new screen" causes the iteratable to be disabled, in some scenarios, it can also disable the ability to play. ex. Trump card (use) -> view prev. screen -> View deck | pretty sure that soft locks, don't know if you need an extra interaction once you view your deck

skill issue. /j

I know you don't plan on updating the game but could you just add a full-screen button? this game has been submitted to so many things that it's hard to play, isnt that the point of a game?

fix your game bud crazy games is banned in someplaces

i cannot play anymore because it is run on crazygames which is banned here!

get better computer.

or not.

in reply to this reply, made into a comment just in case it gets looked over

     >Dwarves are just really bad at archery... Joke aside, I might look into something to make them more viable.< - ichbinhamma ~ 3AM central time

    Maybe you can have two ´modes´ one being misfire and accurate.

     You would take a stat for archers and have it be the accuracy chance, for example, if the stat was dex. and my archer had 16 dex. then before they shoot, they get a number 1-100    (or something else for balance reasons.)   , and if it's within 1-16    (16 from my dex. stat.)    the shot is accurate. (i think you should have the shot go straight or you could have it shot into the sky and come down like lightning).


     If the number drawn were to be 17-100 it would fire how it currently does and call it a misfire, since it is very inaccurate, or do stuff how you want to I'm just here from a player standpoint.

     Maybe you can have two ´modes´ one being misfire and accurate.

     You would take a stat for archers and have it be the accuracy chance, for example, if the stat was dex. and my archer had 16 dex. then before they shoot, they get a number 1-100    (or something else for balance reasons.)   , and if it's within 1-16    (16 from my dex. stat.)    the shot is accurate. (i think you should have the shot go straight or you could have it shot into the sky and come down like lightning).


     If the number drawn were to be 17-100 it would fire how it currently does and call it a misfire, since it is very inaccurate, or do stuff how you want to I'm just here from a player standpoint.

can you please make the fire orc either come later or rework it, maybe give its ability a pierce of two or three, I just had a game where I finally got 5 units early on, and everyone got one shot and half of them hadn't been hit

there is invincibility frames but they are weird, if an enemy attacks you, that enemy cannot hurt you for a small amount of time, stuff also cant hurt you the second they spawn in/ when they are created

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      the approximate damage per bullet (ADPB)  is, if you were to fire a singular bullet at an enemy(s) with near infinite health how much damage would it do after a near infinite amount of time. you can see this if you ever get 'brn'; if you put 'brn' on a gun the ADPB will go up, the damage of your bullet never changes, but now you do damage over time, ADPB tells you that after infinite amount of time you will do ((damage + burn dmg x burn time) + damage x how many enemies you can hit - 1).

      If you get 'brn' on a gun and then add 'ti' the ADPB will change a lot because 'ti' increases how long 'brn' lasts. if you want to know your true damage output, go test your weapon, he made a button for doing said action for a reason. if you get 'sca' your ADPB does not go up because it is about a singular bullet. The weapon mod 'fra' seems to be weird and chooses whether or not it gets added to the ADPB because its multiple bullets from a singular, same with 'tra', but that's all a topic for another time. i hope this has cleared things up. ( @kurt_c0caine, please correct me if i'm wrong about any of this, and pleas confirm if i am right! Great game, just wish there was a sandbox to play around in! )

A thing that could make this just a little bit better is if there was a settings button that opened the settings on the title screen, and also a setting that changes the sprites of bullets. I don't think it should be something custom but, (just looked up some references, this was written like 20 mins after ---> ) something like "The Binding of Isaac: Repentance" where the enemy bullets have a slight white aura that flashes 'behind' the bullet, I assume that when the setting is on, enemy bullet sprites are just changed to ones with the animated white aura? (IDK)

First run at school, had 23 dmg 18 def 8 spd 1 luk amazing game.

once you win a game you get the option to do a victory lap, it has nothing to do with co-op, I don't know who made this dumb rumor.

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if you choose to upgrade with all gold dice you get soft-locked (unable to continue/play) , same thing if you choose to discard without any dice.